
You need to be sure that you are dealing with a quality company with quality products, we’ve listed our official registrations below for your information.

Certified Safe.

Water2Buy products are governed by strict quality controls. In order to protect yourself from harmful plastics and metals, we recommend that you only source your water filtration equipment from a reputable European company. Water2Buy products are certified all by the worlds leading safety authorities including those in EUROPE (CE, LCIE France) RoHS and the USA ( FDA)

Certification 1 Certification 2 Certification 3 Certification 4 Certification 5 Certification 6

TAX Compliant

Water2Buy Limited is incorporated as a limited European Company with our headquarters in Dublin Ireland, we are VAT registered in all major European economies so you will receive a VAT receipt in your local tax.Ireland IE3262284LH, France FR20822148755, Germany DE312759786, Italy IT00181729997, United Kingdom GB241755117, Czech Republic CZ685019572, Poland PL5263289408, Austria ATU75854247, Spain ESN0020454E

VAT Italy VAT Ireland VAT France VAT Germany VAT GB

Environmental waste Compliant

Environmental waste compliance

The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE Directive) is the European Community Directive 2012/19/EU on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) which, together with the RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU, became European Law in February 2003. Water2Buy WEEE registered in all major European economies so buying from Water2Buy ensures an environmental contribution for each unit we put on the market in Europe is made. You should check that your product provider is registered to a WEEE compliance scheme.

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